
Whitman's DiamaGroove Boxer Standard


Now: $160.00
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• Very Safe! Won’t catch on fur. Does not heat or burn
• Detachable
• Fits on select Dremel brand models, Sears, Black & Decker, Craftsman, Wahl, and Andis motors
• Long-lasting, high-quality, and diamond cut
• Groomers Pro 30-Day money back guarantee
Usually ships same business day


The DiamaGroove Boxer is one of the best diamond-cut nail grinders for groomers who need versatility. This is the tool of choice when it comes to groomers who focus on large angles such as the ‘top’ of the nail. For example, breeds like Boxers usually require the top of the nails to be polished to remove unwanted stains.

It is also fantastic for grinding down the ends of the nail quickly! The premium-grade diamond keeps the nail cool while the machine is on. This tool is very durable with a long run time. The Diamagroove Boxer is extremely safe to use. It does not grind skin or pads…just nails!

The Diamagroove Boxer is designed for the amateur as well as the professional. This will fit on Dremel brand models, as well as select Sears, Black & Decker, and Craftsman models.

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Whitman's DiamaGroove Boxer Standard

Whitman's DiamaGroove Boxer Standard


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